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Our Mission:


 A Community of Truth

 A Community of Transformation

 A Community of Transparency

At Sweet Home church of the Nazarene, we strive to be united people, aligned around a common understanding of the Bible as the complete and inerrant TRUTH of God.  The heart of that truth is the Gospel Message, telling us that even while we were still sinners, in chosen rebellion against Him, God sent His only Son, Jesus, to die for us so that we could be reconciled to Him.  We know that Jesus is alive today, living to facilitate our relationship with the Father and to send to us the Holy Spirit.

We are committed to TRANSFORMATION.  Jesus told us that we would be born again, new creations in Him.  As we commit ourselves to His truth and dedicate ourselves in discipleship, we are experiencing that transformation in our own lives each day.  We know that as we share the truth of the Gospel message in our greater community, we will begin to see transformation not only in us, but throughout our society.  

We also strive to be united in TRANSPARENCY, living lives of honesty and integrity in with each other and before our community.  We know that we are not perfect people, but we are redeemed and growing in Christ daily.  We gladly hold each other accountable to become the holy people we were made to be.  We enjoy opportunities for discipleship and mentoring, both with those further along the journey, and with those who are just getting started in Jesus.

Our Vision:


To become a unified church of people who:


  • Serves our God through committed intentional worship, and through purposeful discipleship 

  • Serves the families of our community through intentional, practical support and encouragement

  • Serves our greater community through interaction, education and friendship

  • Serves the “least among us” through special care for orphans and foster kids, for widows and the elderly or infirm







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